Your Opinion: Liberal politics of personal destruction

Dear Editor:

I'm not sure whether Ed Williams has personal disdain for Tom Schweich or John Bolton, but I would guess his contempt is really focused on any conservative public servant.

As all good liberals use personal destruction to maintain their ideological advantage, Williams has done himself proud in his use of the liberal Democrat playbook. I know of no self-respecting liberal who will even try to win any ideological argument with a conservative by using relevant facts that are applicable to a persons qualifications for any government position.

I would like to point out some others who have been subjected to the disgusting use of political correctness and in some cases outright lies to attempt to destroy reputations: Clarence Thomas - remember the hair on the Coke can?; Sarah Palin - only the latest is making fun of her special needs child; George Bush or Mitt Romney - considering our current president, need I say more?; Todd Akin - was his comment so bad as to destroy his career? The list goes on and on.

Williams touts "Bad Company corrupts good morals" with regards to Schweich. I can only guess how he voted in 2008, but I guess he had never heard that until Jim Dyke put it in his cartoon.

Maybe Williams should now write a letter about Obama and his connections to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his pastor and mentor for 20 years and one of the most racist people in the U.S. Or how about his good friend Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground bomber whose goal was to overthrow the U.S. government. Of course these connections are okay because they are all leftists and because of today's cultural standards, whatever the left does or believes is only for the common good and should be overlooked.

Remember Susan Rice, who has now been elevated to Obama's security advisor? She's the one who used the Democrats talking points on five TV shows to call the Benghazi attack a result of a film rather than a terrorist attack? How about Hillary Clinton, who presided over the lack of security in Benghazi and is now the front-runner for the 2016 Democrat presidential candidacy or Bill Clinton disbarred for lying to a grand jury?

It's truly amazing how the left idolizes these absolutely either incompetent or corrupt individuals for leadership roles and yet disparages conservatives for the most minor infractions.

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