Your Opinion: Truman modeled public service

Dear Editor:

In a recent issue of our paper the topic was the state manual's Blue Book that was distributed free to those in the public interested in receiving same. This writer had several of these which were not needed as access to all salaries for government employees in positions held with the state at that time were available to me.

When one certain administration came into power those seeking a position within same assembled in a certain room in another building and were asked to make their selection of the jobs of interest. One of the females who worked in the incoming administration told me of this.

My interest in this paper's article was aroused the most upon seeing that Missouri's own native son, President Harry Truman, was selected to be the theme for the book. Now I was not related to Truman but feel that I have somewhat a close relationship with him as my stepfather, Joseph E. Hagan, could have been a long-lost relative of his.

Papa Joe so closely resembled him that he often was mistaken for him. Papa Joe would conduct much of his business in New York and would travel by train as he had no trust in airplanes. Some of the conductors recognized him whenever he boarded a train. They approached him many times to let him know that more than a few of the passengers were asking if the president were on board. This pleased him as he was a great admirer of President Truman. When old enough to vote, it is believed that he was a strong Democrat.

Many readers do not know or maybe remember that this president was one of only a few who did not leave office with a fortune. He was homespun and we Missourians should be proud of him. Some other facts about him that were not publicized as much concerned how well-liked he was by those who had the privilege of interviewing him and that he received more praise from the newspapers than other presidents during that period in time. He was quite a personable and approachable figure as well as being a front-runner in leadership abilities. Our country would do well to have more leaders displaying their veracity unlike those of today in the form of senators/representatives representing the individual states, members of the Supreme Court, lawyers and cabinet members.

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