Your Opinion: Data on school proposal readily available

Dear Editor:

Regarding recent letters with questions about new high school proposal, I wonder how productive it is to call out a lot of questions that have already been answered and can be accessed via the Internet at or

A casual browse will find hundreds of pages of content regarding all aspects of the academies, financials, and the new high school proposal; also, parent and staff videos and testimonials who have been actively involved to define the future vision. The Jefferson City School District leadership and board have been absolutely driven and transparent in their efforts to make information available, kindly take the time to read it.

Why academies? Because they are proven to engage students: engaged students come to school, engaged students participate in class and extra-curricular activities, engaged students graduate, engaged students become employees and employers, and taxpayers. Is it better than what we have now? Research and first hand accounts say yes. I applaud our district leadership for moving forward to implement a proven concept within their current budget.

The Jefferson City School District leadership and board have shown sound and lean fiscal responsibility with a lower tax burden than most districts in the state of Missouri. They include the community in their strategic planning process, and they develop award winning programs like the Southwest Early Childhood Education Center.

It's time to recognize the school district leadership is doing exactly what we've entrusted them to do. I think it would be more productive to recognize the current and looming overcrowding needs to be addressed and find reasons to support the current proposal. If we don't act now, years of thoughtful research and planning will be wasted. It's a lot easier to tear down a solid proposal than it is to put one together - please go access the website and educate yourself - what you'll find is the most cost-effective and research-backed plan to support all of the future public school students in our community.

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