Your Opinion: Only answer is to cut spending

Dear Editor:

What has happened to common sense with our federal government. The national debt is going up another trillion or more dollars this year. And the tax increase will only cover less than a week of the completely out-of-control spending by the federal government.

This is an extemely dangerous problem with every dollar being spent with nearly 40 percent borrowed money, even at the historically low interest rates which will not last much longer.

The interest on this humongous debt is costing millions of dollars every day. As any individual, family or business owner or manager knows or has learned the hard way, you cannot keep spending more than you have coming in for year after year without ending up with major problem often ending in bankruptcy.

The only answer to this major problem is to cut spending starting now not later. The only way this can be done is by eliminating so-called services no longer or ever needed in the first place. Plus the duplication of federal agencies and or services covered or by state government where they belong. A prime example is the federal Department of Education. And last but not least the elimination of waste in every federal debt.

We must get this message to our elected officials or our children and great-grandchildren will be burdened with paying for our government's failure to address this problem now.

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