Your Opinion: What are we teaching children about happiness?

Dear Editor:

Why are so many people unhappy? I grew up poor and had one doll, one box of crayons and a coloring book. My daddy read me the comics on Sunday, the only day of the week he did not work. I was 6 when we got a television. Other people had nicer houses and cars and clothes, but I was warm and had food and a loving mother and father. I was satisfied and happy with what I had.

Today people aren't satisfied with what they have. They need an iphone, a bigger house and a newer car. The house means more work to keep it clean, the car means higher insurance costs. Computer-run cars cost more to repair. Everything we buy means more cost, more work and less time for our families.

Kids have to have dance classes ... and aren't they failures if they don't make the traveling teams? We teach kids early on that they are failures in so many ways. Having and doing costly things will make them happy! Really? Realistically, will your athlete win the sporting lottery and turn pro or your singer/dancer reach stardom ... especially with his/her morals, ethics and reputation intact? Kids learn what makes them happy early on. Where is early childhood education for this important lesson? Kids need loving moms and dads.

They need one-on-one time with each parent. Our children aren't learning the human morals that will define them as adults. There is no time to learn lessons at a mother's "apron strings." Children enter a place of worship - where God is present - dressed for a hot date or a "stop" on the way to the golf course. If we truly believe in God, does our dress represent the honor and respect we feel for Him?

Happiness is spending time with each other in meaningful moments that create not only memories to last a lifetime, but opportunities to ensure our children learn right from wrong, the importance of family, that education is so vital to success, etc.

What values are we teaching our children? Your worth is defined by your wealth, the number of boyfriends, by building your life around a dream that will never come true! Is it too late for parents to re-evaluate what they are teaching their children?

Is it too late to bring true happiness and contentment into the lives of their irreplaceable children?

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