Your Opinion: Abortion called "pure evil'

Dear Editor:

I have spent time over the last week watching, reading and praying about the reports of the 55-plus million lives that have been brutally destroyed in our country since Roe v Wade became law in 1973.

I was appalled to see the despicable, evil YouTube video entitled "Happy 40th Anniversary Baby" which was created by the Center for Reproductive Rights and starred Mehcad Brooks, who could be the devil incarnate, based on his words, laughter and body language. This video used seductive music and a fire burning in the background while this man sat with a rose and a glass of brandy or whiskey celebrating how much the last 40 years have meant to him and others.

What have we become in this nation when anyone would have the arrogance and callousness to celebrate the government-supported holocaust of innocent precious life in the womb. We are no better than Hitler in Germany who murdered 6 million Jews by firing squads, gas chambers and cremation.

The evil goals to create a pure race were the same for Hitler as for Margaret Sanger who established Planned Parenthood. She wanted to exterminate the black race from America through abortions. Now we have a black man in this vile video giving his support for the extermination of his own race. We also have a black president who has provided a record amount of tax dollars to go to Planned Parenthood to continue their agenda of extermination for profit. This is what pure evil looks like. Truth is turned into a lie and a lie is called the truth.

There were 500,000 pro-life crusaders marching on Washington in opposition to the 40 year anniversary of Roe v Wade, but the mainstream media did not find this news worthy. The veil of darkness and deception must be lifted from our eyes in this country and our hearts must be broken over our sin before God will hear our prayers, forgive our sin and heal our land. I for one am asking for the Lord to change our hearts forgive our sins and have mercy on us, so that we may ask God to bless America again.

Please join me.

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