Perfect scores mean an increased chance to save lives

Students at Calvary Lutheran High School Cole County R-V High School in Eugene scored two of the state's perfect scores in the statewide Battle of the Belt competition this fall.

As the Central Region winners, each school will receive $500.

Battle of the Belt is an educational program, jointly sponsored by the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety and American Family Insurance, with support from the Missouri Department of Transportation.

High schools compete against each other to increase safety belt use.

The challenge involves an initial surprise safety belt check of students, followed by a peer-designed educational blitz and a final surprise safety belt check to determine if a change of behavior occurred.

Bunceton High School in Cooper County won Central Missouri's Most Improved Percentage Award in safety belt use.

In its third year, the Battle of the Belt program received a record 47 participating schools from Central Missouri this year.

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