Your Opinion: Divisiveness instead of unity

Dear Editor:

The other evening I was watching the news and they announced the passing of Nelson Mandela, a past president of South Africa. President Nelson Mandela united a multi-race country, preaching unity, respect, justice, love, democracy and freedom.

He was loved and respected all around the world. Nelson Mandela was the first elected black president of South Africa.

My first thought was it would have been so great had our first black president followed in the footsteps of President Mandela.

In place of uniting the population, President Obama and his liberals divided the people. Divide and conquer was their goal. White against black, Hispanic against the world, women vs. man, young vs. old, working population vs. businesses and manufacturers, Christians vs. no religion, rich vs. poor.

It is not just that our country is on a downhill slide, but the Unites States no longer have any respect in the world. Our ally countries no longer trust us.

President Truman had a sign on his desk "The buck stops here." Well, Obama is now president, the buck now stops on Obama's desk.

This is not a Democrat or Republican issue, it is a liberal-conservative issue. It is what is good for our country.

I know a lot of Democrats dislike my letters and me; they think I am a radical Republican. That's not the case. I have never voted a straight ticket in my life. I have neighbors and friends that are just as conservative as I am. I know Democrats elected to county and state positions that are conservative in their decisions for county or state.

They were elected by Democrats and Republicans because they are honorable, respected and trusted to do the job elected for, not because they ran on the Democratic ticket.

I do not hate Obama, Reid or Pelosi. I do hate what this administration is doing to this country, to small business and the working middle class people.

The rich are getting richer with investments. Small business and the working middle class are getting poorer.

This is just the opposite of what President Obama promised us in his hope and change.

We need private sector enterprise, we need jobs.

We do not need bigger government, nor the rules and regulations and laws coming from Washington, D.C.

We need an administration and elected personnel that respect and protect our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

We need elected officials to honor their oath of office.

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