Your Opinion: Response to Smith

Dear Editor:

It seems now that Tony Smith seems to be the newly appointed liberal propagandist to spread their destructive rhetoric. What possesses these folks to embrace their ideology of anti-freedom, anti-growth, anti-job government take-over of everything? To me they are the award winners of our government educational system indoctrination.

Smith's letter of Aug. 8 disparages what he has labeled carbon and chemical industry tycoons. I wonder if he knows or even cares who these people are? Liberals typically just take the Democrat talking points and run with them just like our teleprompter-dependent president.

I don't even know what a carbon industry is? I assume Smith is referring to oil and coal companies. Obama has decimated the coal industry in West Virginia and is trying to do the same to the oil industry - fortunately with less success. Of course that is going to be more difficult as we really need that product to get to work and even liberals have a hard time giving that up.

What about the chemical industry? Aren't we the food basket of the world? Of course liberals apparently want us to go back to the 19th century food production levels. Isn't that where we would be without agriculture chemicals? What about insects? I wonder what would happen if all the liberals living in New Orleans during the mosquito season would do without those foggers?

Why is it that the only bad people are those who are in the private sector? I guess all those good and perfect government servants in Congress just can't resist when those horrible tycoons force them to take the money and maybe even make threats to their families to make sure our air and water is contaminated. Heaven forbid that they are just greedy and can't resist the campaign donations to assure their jobs last forever.

The last oil refinery was built in 1976. The median U.S. coal-fired power plant was built in 1966. It seems that nuclear power, but with a five year plant construction, is a long way off before it can replace coal-fired plants. Can we build enough windmills and solar panels to deal with that?

It's encouraging though that some politicians, mostly Republicans, are willing to logically resist the leftist utopian dream of a carbon-free world, providing some balance that will protect our economy, jobs and freedoms at the same time.

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