Your Opinion: Public transit cut will penalize riders

Dear Editor:

A matter has come up concerning the operation of JeffTran's buses which I think your readers, especially the people who ride them daily, should know about.

As a result of the city's $1.68 million budget shortfall, JeffTran has proposed that operation of both the route buses and Handi Wheels should be suspended from 11:40 a.m.-2:40 p.m. This would be during the busiest part of the day, when many people have to get to various appointments, and have only the city buses for transportation.

I think this is a very bad idea, and it smacks of "bean counting" on the part of a City Council which pays no attention at all to the needs of the many of Jefferson City residents who have no other means of transportation.

Furthermore, they seem to be punishing the people of this city for their own carelessness which led to the budget shortfall in the first place, Alternatives should be found and discussed in public for how JeffTran could operate without cutting back on service. Or if such cutbacks can't be avoided, then at the very least a shorter suspension in service time, like from 11:30 a.m.- noon, ought to be considered.

In my opinion, whoever came up with this idea, has never ridden the bus in their life. If they had they would not come up with such hurtful ideas like this. I'm sure you'll agree that JeffTran's riders should not be punished for the budget mistake of out city government.

I hope that you will publish this letter because I'm sure that many bus riders here in Jefferson City are unaware of this proposed cutback and would not approve of it if they did.

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