Your Opinion: Love the sinner; condemn the sin

Dear Editor:

I need help understanding how an individual that proclaims to be a Christian, can come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ overlooks the sin of sodomy.

Can any of the enlightened Christians amongst us help me? I thought that if you say you are a Christian you then believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God and that the KJV Bible is the book that we use for faith and practice as we go about our daily activities. If not, what other written parchment has God preserved his word in, that one can use to understand more about our Heavenly Father, and use to guide us in our daily activities?

I would like to know which verses in the KJV Bible condone sodomy? By the way there are none! I can point out many that condemn this sin. The Bible does not condemn the individual, but in all instances does condemn the sin of sodomy. We Christians are admonished to love the sinner but are not to overlook the sin.

We are not judging these people, the KJV Bible already has! Just like we are not to condemn the thief but do condemn the sin of stealing. Every day that I read various portions of Scripture, I gain further knowledge of things in my life that should be altered in order to be more Christ like. I can't rely on what I think about certain activities due to what Proverbs 14: 12 states, "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death."

In order to come to any conclusion about a given subject it must be based on some document rather than an opinion. Opinions are just like noses, everybody's got one. I refer to the KJV Bible for questions as to what is right or wrong. Additionally, 1 Corinthians 2: 14 states, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of Spirit of God: neither can they know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

It is inconsistent for an individual to say they are a "Christian" and then not say that sodomy is a sin and that we are not to judge people who are partaking in that life style. A famous preacher once said, "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."

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