Your Opinion: Abused again by Ameren's rate hike

Dear Editor:

We, Ameren's customers, have been abused one more time by AmerenUe and the MPSC (Missouri Public Service Commission), with the latest approval for a rate increase. It is estimated to cost us about $10 a month more, or approximately $120 a year.

Earlier this year the MPSC held a session in a downtown hotel to hear our concerns about Ameren's latest request for a rate increase. By the way, this request was their fifth in the last six years. Now this fifth request has been approved.

Apparently our concerns made no impact on the MPSC members. As I stated earlier, this session would become a farce just like the one previous to last, as our concerns were overlooked.

When are these rate increases going to cease. Never as long as the MPSC cedes to Ameren's rate increases. This utility is a monopoly, and are using it against us, we have no other choice, consequently, the abuse continues. Calling this a Public Service Commission is a misnomer, as it appears they are more oriented to big business, rather than being concerned with the public's well being.

It's time the governor replace these MPSC individuals with those who are concerned with the consumer.

There are a number of utility consumers who are unemployed, employed with minimum wages, and those who try to survive on Social Security. The SS increase this year will not cover this increase, which means digging deeper to cover this extra expense.

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