Your Opinion: Disregard for voters serving in military

Dear Editor:

You can really tell that an individual letter writer is very proud of themselves, when they point out that another letter writer didn't capitalize their title. They used a "c" and "d" rather than a "C" and "D". Rather than being the important person they think they are, I have found that these individuals are generally self-absorbed righteous snobs that deserve little attention, so that they don't get that attention they so much desire.

To show what these self-absorbed people think of our military, look at what they are trying to do to those military personnel living in the state of Ohio.

They showed their true appreciation for military service when, on July 17, the Obama for America Campaign, the Democrat National Committee and the Ohio Democrat Party filed suit in that state to strike down part of the state's law governing voting by members of the military that gives them extra time to cast their ballots.

While Democrat groups say the military exemption is "arbitrary" with "no discernible rational basis," military groups say federal and state law in fact recognizes the need to give military personnel extra time to vote.

Considering that Ohio voters can cast early ballots up to 35 days before an election, the military extension imposes no undue hardship on other voters.

An administration that constantly talks about voter disenfranchisement appears unconcerned that a study by the nonpartisan Military Voters Protection Project found that in 2008 less than 20 percent of 2.5 million military voters successfully voted by absentee ballot.

In 2010, participation shrank to a scandalous 5 percent. Supporters of the suit claim the Democrats aren't really trying to suppress the military vote, just give others the same access to polls that would be open anyway.

The problem is the Obama administration has shown a disregard for military voters who, studies show, tend to vote Republican.

Of course, this reluctance to promote and support military voting while dead voters are allowed to remain on the rolls and cast ballots, while the right of felons to vote is championed, and the promoting of the opportunity for illegal aliens to vote, has nothing to do with the fact that John McCain won 54 percent of the military vote in 2008 or that a May 2012 Gallup poll showed Mitt Romney pulling 58 percent to President Obama's paltry 34 percent.

Hey self-absorbed people, your true colors are showing.

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