Your Opinion: Global warming is a man-made hoax

Dear Editor:

Mr. Smith, your letter of Sept. 17 shows your complete ignorance of science.

During my studies to get my degree in physics, I determined that scientists may disagree on some things but they do not disagree with the results of experiments performed in the lab, as long as they are documented with the associated controls necessary to ensure that what they observe is a result of the compounds inserted.

We hold things constant and have only one variable so as to watch that variable. You change one constant and watch the variable to see what happens to it. If you have more than one variable your task of proving a thesis, becomes much harder.

One of the problems with the man-made global warming thesis is its reliance on data from questionable sources namely, temperatures from various places that the detection devices are giving an inaccurate indication of the real temperature.

For instance, they are measuring the temperature in an atmosphere that is affected by some other component. When you locate your temperature sensor close to an air conditioner exhaust, you do not get an accurate indication of the actual temperature of the atmosphere. It is no different than when you put your home thermometer in the direct sun, you do not get an accurate indication of the temperature outside.

Dr. Roy Spencer has been accumulating data from the "Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU-A)" flying on NASA's Aqua satellite, rather than ground based temperature monitors.

This satellite indicates that since 1981 the average temperature increase of the lower global atmosphere has been 0.33 degrees C. I don't know about you but an increase of 0.33 degrees in 30 years isn't really that much considering that if you believe in the theory of evolution, there was an ice age about 100 million years ago and the temperature of ice is somewhat below 32 degrees F. If it took 100 million years to get to this point, then we have lots of time before we even increase the average earth's temperature even 1 degree.

Again I say, that man-made global warming is a hoax and Al Gore is one of its biggest proponents and benefactors, as he lives in his 20,000-square-foot house and flies all over the world in his private jet, polluting our atmosphere with all that CO2.

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