Your Opinion: Liberal Democrats not consistent

Dear Editor:

As President Reagan said to Jimmy Carter, "Mr. Garber there you go again." You are correct that the debt to GDP ratio decreased 9 percent under Bill Clinton's second term, however the control of Congress was Republicans and they, sir, were the reason that spending was curtailed. Then debt under President Bush went up, not due to the tax cuts, but because the spending went up dramatically.

You are totally incorrect that President Bush was responsible for the mortgage crisis. In their book, "Reckless Endangerment" Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner document what happened behind the scenes during this period of time. If you bothered to remember the news reports at the time were of Democrat Barney Frank and Democrat Charles Schumer were fighting tooth and nail against the Bush administration trying to reign in Fannie May and Freddie Mac. I know you and your ilk still blame President Bush for everything that has gone bad in America.

Question, was President responsible for the start of WWII, also?

Since you did not mention the war in Afghanistan I can only assume that you agree with your dear ruler that the war in Afghanistan is the war we should be fighting. How much is that war costing the taxpayer, of whom the bottom 47 percent of Americans do not pay any federal income taxes?

Where is the consistency of liberal Democrats, when they say that water boarding of terrorists caught on the battle field, is torture, but the killing of an American citizen via a drone, is OK?

I was very disappointed with the increase in spending under the Bush administration, however Obama increased spending by leaps and bounds above Bush.

With the fed amortizing our debt, we not only are spending way above our income, but now the fed is printing money to buy bonds which increases the rate of inflation.

Thank you to the big spenders of which most are located in the Democrat party.

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