Enjoying all aspects of sports reporting

This job has more perks than just getting outside the office

For years, anytime someone's asked me if I enjoy my job, my standard answer has been, how could I not? I get paid to watch games for a living. Sure, it's an oversimplification, but for the most part, it's an apt description.

And while that - the watching of games - still makes things fun, there are other times my job is enjoyable while doing just the opposite of that. Take this past week, for example.

Instead of being out in the fresh air watching baseball games, I was stuck inside. And even though I was simply watching a computer screen, I was still having tons of fun.

The first example came Tuesday, during Major League Baseball's First-Year Player Draft.

Most years, there's little reason to pay attention, knowing no one with local ties has a chance to be selected. Not so this time around, as those of us on the sports staff knew there was a good chance former area standouts ....

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