Service of father and spouse help define local veteran

Capt. Brian Hatcher in front of the Mehtar Lam Police Headquarters, Lahgman Province, Afghanistan, during his recent deployment with the 205th MP Battalion.
Capt. Brian Hatcher in front of the Mehtar Lam Police Headquarters, Lahgman Province, Afghanistan, during his recent deployment with the 205th MP Battalion.

In a career avenue often fraught with last-minute changes and high-stress situations, a positive attitude can be a difficult quality to maintain. But for local veteran Capt. Brian Hatcher, it has become an integral part of his continued service in the military and helped to define the officer he has become.

"I enlisted in the Missouri National Guard in 2000 to help pay for school," noted Hatcher. "My father was the recruiting and retention manager for the Guard at that time and very supportive of my decision."

Enlisting with the 175th Military Police Company in Fulton (now in Columbia), the young recruit attended ....

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