Your Opinion: Justice Party offers alternative

Dear Editor:

Progressives have received perhaps the greatest present yet. On Dec. 11, former Salt Lake City mayor, Rocky Anderson threw his hat in the ring for president of the United States. His Justice Party hopes to be an alternative to the single party system we have in this country. (Gore Vidal called the collaboration of the Republicans and Democrats tantamount to a one "Property Party" with two right wings.) Now I am not optimistic about the chances of the Justice Party's message making it past the MSM noise machine or the collusion of both parties to marginalize any popular uprising. (remember Ralph Nader?)

I do think we are in a period of turbulent unrest where ordinary people on the left and the right are casting about for solutions that more accurately reflect their concerns independent of their corporate and political rulers. As a card carrying member of the 99 percent I affirm what others only suspect: that we are now in a politics of hopelessness. I believe also that, in the death of hope is the beginning of action.

Now, finally, I have some answer for my liberal friends who still support Obama as "the devil we know." Now there is no longer only a "lesser of two ..." but a "better than both" who will might well be an antidote for the evil rampant in both parties.

See if some of these statements by the new candidate ring true for you.

"We know that the public interest is not being served by anyone in the system right now, particularly the two dominant parties who have sustained this corrupt system and who are sustained by it."

"Without the Democrats colluding with the Republicans, we would not have engaged in an illegal, aggressive war against Iraq. Through their collusion, (they) have brought this country to its knees economically."

"President Obama received more money from Wall Street than any other candidate has ever received in a presidential or any other election campaign. And he surrounded himself with all these alumni from Goldman Sachs."

These words nourish the heart like rain on parched earth.

This silly Kabuki/shadow play Obama and the Republicans are enacting for the media will end up discrediting the 99 percent no matter who ultimately rules.

It's time for the American people to wake up and vote for a change we can believe in (again?).

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