Your Opinion: ACLU suits deplete school resources

Dear Editor:

A word to the ACLU: Stop wasting school resources anywhere with ridiculous lawsuits. You are lining the pockets of your lawyers but doing little if anything to enhance education students need to function in the real world.

My education began in one-room schoolhouses similar to "Little House on the Prairie." We were instructed from the beginning in readin', ritin' and rithmetic. Yes we learned immediately those are facetious spellings meant to be amusing. How many students now have vocabulary enough to understand or spell facetious? Do they know how to use a dictionary or the importance of researching educational material on the Internet instead of allowing it to think for them?

As for sex, I have news for the ACLU and adolescents everywhere. Since time began it has existed. Birds do it, bees do it, and humans do it. It comes naturally. However, it may shock to know in the span of time, other things by necessity occupy far more of our needs in life. For example: How do we pay our bills? What do we eat today and tomorrow? How can we find and keep a job?

Well-timed assemblies in schools to educate students on tolerance and compassion (look that word up ACLU) can be done with little or no burden on taxpayers. Bullying of anyone because they are different shouldn't be tolerated, but the classroom teacher should be able to focus on skills the student will need to earn a living in this world. They can find pornography and sexual information other places if their goal is to be a male or female prostitutes. (Good luck in that career choice.)

I gladly pay school tax. Many of my tax dollars went to Camden County. Now they go to Morgan County, but rather than fund Internet pornography, I'd like to believe those dollars are helping students learn that cat is not spelled with a K.

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