Your Opinion: Reasons to support the Fair Tax

Dear Editor:

Income tax is a tax on all earnings and the IRS code book has been changed and manipulated so many times that it has swelled to almost 17,000 pages that no one can fully understand.

The Washington, D.C., establishment used the IRS to control people and punish those who attempt to clean up their cesspool of immoral filth and corruption that they are determined to hang on to. With this power they think they are invincible.

Now, the legislators are adding to this cesspool by manipulating the IRS tax code to create loopholes for special interest groups and large corporations, in exchange for large political contributions at re-election time.

As a result of this sham billions and billions of dollars of tax revenues that are badly needed, are uncollected.

The legislators are depending on this power to remain career politicians. This system is broken and corrupted so badly that it definitely needs to be replaced. With the Fair Tax there are no loopholes and everybody pays their fair share.

The only permanent cure would be to pass the Fair Tax HR25-S1025. This would solve all of the above problems and at the same time it would grow our economy tremendously by bringing back all of the Fortune 500 companies that the IRS has forced out of the United States looking for greener pastures.

As I have mentioned before and it bears repeating, remember in order to grow our economy, we have to compete with all of the third world countries that work for $2 a day and we have to retain our current wage scale and standard of living.

If we eliminate the IRS and all of its income tax and replace it with the federal Fair Tax HR25-S1025 the prices of our Made in America products would drop 55 percent on the world market and we would gain 23 percent on all goods that we import from other countries.

This would make a 180-degree turn-around in our import/export market, making us the big winner. Our economy would skyrocket. The Fair Tax would create a tax free business climate for all businesses and would result in giving us full employment for centuries to come. All workers would keep their full paycheck and have no other federal taxes to pay.

Stay tuned.

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