Your Opinion: Obama still fails citizenship test

Dear Editor:

With the release of Obama's long form birth certificate Julie Pace, Associated Press, has imperiously written "The certificate says Obama was born in Hawaii, which makes him eligible to hold the office of president."

Ms. Pace apparently has never read the United States Constitution. Obama's newly found long-form birth certificate clearly shows Obama is not a constitutionally required "natural born citizen.'

His father was a foreigner, a citizen of Kenya, not an American; therefore, Obama does not meet the higher requirement of being a "natural born citizen'.

Obama is an invalid president and should be immediately removed from office, his actions invalidated, and his travel restricted to the United States until we find out what his "citizen of the world" statement really means now that he has had access to all of USA military secrets.

On the bright side we will be rid of the Marxist intent on destroying our country. The downside is God help us all now that Joe Biden will be president.

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