Your Opinion: Wasted spending for consultants

Dear Editor:

Hurray to cartoonist Jim Dyke and his so-appropriate cartoon in the Dec. 20 edition of the newspaper.

He certainly hit the nail on the head regarding the hiring of consultants to do the work of supposedly intelligent and know-how people who were hired for the top-level jobs because of their abilities.

I first began noticing "big" money going to outside concerns a few short years ago and thought I was the only one who noticed "big bucks" flying fast and furious from not only state government but from local city coffers.

Taxpayers appear being swung to the right and left with apparently no end in sight to this over-the-top spending by the powers that be, either elected by us or placed there by appointment. Enough is enough of this nonsense.

When first observing how our money went out to pay for other than appointed heads of departments, I called it to the attention of my friends and acquaintances and they all agreed with my comments.

But still nothing has changed. In fact, it seems to be getting really bad.

Having worked for a number of years in state government and then for a utility company I know what happens; how politics work and it has gotten to the point that you can't say anything too good about either one.

Drawbacks appear in both entities. The average citizen who has never worked in either one would be surprised to learn what goes on behind the closed doors.

And all of the news media create a false sense of security among us when an article one day asserts the economy is improving, and then the next day makes a complete turnabout about the situation. Quite confusing to the reader of the television viewer.

And some of these state employees who complain to the newspaper about their salaries, may I suggest they take to the streets to look for another job, if they can find one, that would suit their education and capabilities.

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