PHOTO GALLERY: 2018 Helias Homecoming

Mothers of senior football players feed their sons spaghetti tacoswhile blindfolded Friday September 28, 2018 during the Helias homecoming assembly at Helias Catholic High School. Both mother and son also had to stop and dance every time music was played. The first player to finish their plate of tacos won the homcoming taco challenge.
Mothers of senior football players feed their sons spaghetti tacoswhile blindfolded Friday September 28, 2018 during the Helias homecoming assembly at Helias Catholic High School. Both mother and son also had to stop and dance every time music was played. The first player to finish their plate of tacos won the homcoming taco challenge.

Complete with pep assemblies, spirited dress-up days and Saturday's football game, Helias Catholic High School celebrated its Homecoming last week.

Click on "more photos" below to view our Helias Homecoming photo gallery.

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