Your Opinion: Legal, but deeply saddening

Dear Editor:

We write in response to a letter printed on Jan. 17 entitled, "Don't forget, abortion is legal." How can we possibly forget? Hardly a day passes in which we do not wonder what a difference those 53-plus million aborted souls would be making in our society. Was the next Beethoven among them? The scientist who would have provided the missing link in cancer research or discovered the way to slow and prevent the rise in auto-immune diseases that is plaguing our country? We know abortion is legal and it saddens us deeply.

We do not "preen with self-pride" in our "own morality," as the writer so colorfully depicts people who are saddened by abortion. We certainly are not "venal anti-woman Nazis" and are offended by the characterization. Rather, we grieve the loss of human life. The simple fact is that a human pregnancy, if left alone, results in the birth of a baby, a person. Scientific evidence does, in fact, increasingly amaze us with pictures and knowledge of how human the tiniest of embryos appears.

Further, we personally know women who have had abortions and have struggled with guilt over it ever since. This guilt is not imposed upon them - abortion is a legal activity, after all, and is vigorously supported and encouraged by many in our society. Nonetheless, the proponents of abortion never acknowledge, or warn of, the lifelong emotional pain that having had an abortion causes in thousands and thousands of women.

The writer is wrong in his assertion that the "vast majority of restrictions to abortion enacted in various states ... exist solely to deny access to a medical service ...." They actually exist for two purposes: to ensure the medical safety of women who are having an abortion, and to provide time for a woman considering an abortion to gather all the facts that would help her make the right decision. More than one woman considering an abortion has reconsidered after talking to a counsellor who works for someone other than Planned Parenthood, or after seeing an ultrasound image of the "glob of tissue" within her.

Thankfully, there are organizations such as Vitae Foundation which also provide practical support and help for women who carry an unexpected pregnancy through to fruition. Many Americans want to adopt children who may have been the result of an unexpected pregnancy.

Adoption is a far superior option.

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