Our Opinion: Auditor extends scrutiny of Sunshine Law compliance

News Tribune editorial

The most recent state audit of compliance with Missouri's Sunshine Law highlights two achievements.

First, violations of the Open Meetings and Open Records law have declined in recent years. Second, we believe continuation of the review by state auditors has contributed to greater public awareness and compliance by local governments.

An audit released Monday by State Auditor Nicole Galloway found open meetings and/or records violations committed by about 13 percent of audited local governments, primarily school districts and municipal and county governments.

That noncompliance rate reflects a drop from the 15 percent found by former Auditor Tom Schweich in a state audit conducted over 2012- 13.

Compare those violations with the more than 47 percent uncovered in 1999, when the practice of auditing Sunshine Law compliance began under former Missouri Auditor Claire McCaskill, now one of Missouri's two U.S. senators.

According to the First Amendment Center's website: "In the 1999 audit, 47.6 percent of local governments surveyed did not know about the law or denied requests for improper reasons. While nearly all state agencies knew about their duties under the law, 87 of the 195 surveyed - nearly 45 percent - did not respond within three days as required, McCaskill said."

Training for incoming local office-holders is one reason for the increase in compliance. The Missouri Municipal League, for example, offers Sunshine Law training for incoming municipal officials.

Open government is a shared responsibility.

The Constitution authorizes the public and the press to be vigilant about openness and to challenge inappropriate privacy by government.

Although progress has been made, work remains. Galloway's most recent audit found violations including discussion of public topics behind closed doors, incomplete documentation of the reasons for closed meetings and improper documentation of decisions made in private.

We believe the state audits have contributed to greater Sunshine Law compliance by local governments, and we appreciate Galloway's extended spotlight on behalf of Missourians.

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