Your Opinion: What's going on in Missouri?

Dear Editor:

I have been travelling the past several weeks, visiting relatives in other states. I was asked several times, "What is going on in Missouri? Rioters were allowed to roam the streets of Ferguson. Law breakers were allowed to shut down St. Louis interstates and now it seems that students are in charge at Missouri universities."

I had no answer. I wonder if high school students will soon be allowed to dictate policy at Missouri high schools.

I am really tired of reading that Michael Brown's death is somehow justification for violence and civil disobedience.

When he is mentioned the reference typically states "shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by a white police officer." If Michael Brown must be mentioned then the reference should read, "during an attack on a police officer 6'5", 289 lb. Michael Brown was shot and killed by the officer. Brown, who was under the influence of marijuana at the time of the attack, had, according to a surveillance video, committed strong arm robbery at a local convenience store just prior to his attack on the officer." You can watch the video at

Using Michael Brown's death to justify civil disobedience shows that those protesting are irrational, at best. They may have justifiable grievances but Michael Brown's death is not one of them.

The News Tribune stated that former Missouri System President Tim Wolfe takes "full responsibility for the frustration" expressed by students who complained the university's response to racial problems was insufficient."

If he admits to being inept will the lefties running the university still find some way to give him a golden parachute severance package because he was willing to take the fall?

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