Perspective: New principal outlines priorities

As the new Jefferson City High School principal, Mr. Bob James has been on the job since July 1.

He is experienced and very knowledgeable and is a person from whom the staff and administration can learn much. He is committed to the idea of school administrators serving and supporting others.

When Mr. James interviewed for the position back in the spring, he made it clear that the role of the principal should be to clear the way so that individuals can do their jobs and be successful.

"I want to provide support, provide resources, and remove obstacles," he said, and added that the leader must also provide a definite focus.

He doesn't intend to deviate from that message.

Mr. James wants to give priority to what he calls SRROF, which stands for providing support and resources, removing obstacles, and having a clear focus.

Those are important items. Think about it: Support for those who need it. Resources to get the job done. Removing barriers along the way. And focusing clearly on what matters most.

It's a recipe that bolsters the efforts of both students and teachers and it is a priority that JCHS needs as we continue to prepare students for life.

It is good for administrators to ask themselves questions such as, What do I need to provide for the teachers so they can do their job? What do our students need from us so they can be successful? In what instances do we simply need to provide guidance and encouragement?

The ideas of removing obstacles, eliminating interruptions, and shielding people as they work are not unique to education.

Henry Mintzberg, who has written and taught much about business management, once wrote about this in the Harvard Business Review.

"Someone," he wrote, "only half in jest, once defined the manager as that person who sees visitors so that everyone else can get his work done."

That sentiment is in line with protecting teachers from intrusions that inhibit their work. It is also in line with the idea of shielding students from anything that distracts them as they learn.

At this stage of the year, much planning goes in to preparing for the upcoming school year. (Students report for their first day on Aug. 20, a mere three and a half weeks away).

You will be glad to know that as a major part of the planning, the administrative emphasis surrounds the SRROF ideas.

Teachers should not be pulled in several different directions as they orchestrate student learning opportunities. Students should have a nurturing learning environment that fosters academic and social growth.

Mr. James said that educational administrators should work for the benefit of the school and the community.

"I truly believe," he said, "that what we do is in service to the community."

The efforts will help the next generation be fully equipped to make a tremendous positive impact on the world in the years to come.

David Wilson, EdD, is the associate principal at Jefferson City High School. You may email him at [email protected].

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