Your Opinion: Will Congress do what's right?

Dear Editor:

Our Congress is back in session with a number of freshman senators and representatives. The best part of the election is that Harry Reid "The Do Nothing Congress" is no longer majority leader in the Senate. Sen. Mitch McConnell is new majority leader and Rep. John Boehner is in the House. I am not a big fan of McConnell nor Boehner. I see them as part of the Washington establishment.

Will they do what is right for our country? We will be hopeful. They have to stop the administrative law that we have been under the last six years. Do you know that there is over 140 laws and 14,000 new regulations from this administration that are completely arbitrary, have been a burden on our economy and worst of all many intrude in our freedom. All decisions made behind closed doors by a select few, no representation of the people.

Maybe the freshman senators and representatives will have the backbone and guts to stand up to this administration.

My wish list is a balanced budget, secure borders, job creation, tax reform and reform our public school system. We have to get rid of the $17.5 trillion debt.

Freedom needs the effort of all. We need to pay more attention to our government. If we are not watchful and careful freedom can and will be taken from us. The only way we can remain a free country is to elect people with faith, courage and integrity. The people have made a step forward in the last election. We as a people have put too much confidence in our elected. They have become controllers, regulators and rulers of the people, not representatives of the people.

Freedom is worth fighting for as a people; we need to fight back through the elected people to represent us. The country became great because it was a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

We have become a country by the government. If we allow this to continue freedom will be taken from us.

President Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

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