Our Opinion: Suggestions to help students manage stress

If you're a student experiencing stress, you're not alone, according to a new study.

An annual survey of college freshmen by UCLA's Higher Education Research Institute found incoming students report fewer leisure hours and heightened stress, in comparison to results from the initial survey in 1987.

Specifically, the survey found:

• Nearly 39 percent said they spent only five hours or fewer each week socializing with friends, compared to 18 percent in 1987.

• The sense of emotional well-being among college freshmen was at its lowest point since the survey began.

Mary Flowers, a counselor at Helias Catholic High School, said changes in lifestyles and technology have altered how people spend leisure time.

She agrees with comments by Jack Foley, a freshman at the University of California, Davis, who said today's students spend less time hanging out and more time connecting through social media and interest-specific clubs and extra-curricular activities.

Flowers also acknowledged increasing pressures on high school seniors. "The relaxed "senior year' schedule is no more," Flowers said. "Colleges' expectations are much higher for our students - requiring them to take a challenging core curriculum that will prepare them for their college experience and admission as well as the competition for scholarship funds. In addition, many of our students work part-time jobs ..."

What can students do to manage or minimize stress. Flowers offers these suggestions:

• Get enough sleep and exercise regularly.

• Be organized. Keep your calendar and planner updated.

• Plan ahead. Before going to bed, complete your homework, gather necessary supplies and pack your bookbag.

• Schedule breaks as much as possible. Do something that is stress free - read, listen to soothing music, slow down and breathe, visit with friends, etc.

• Keep a personal journal where you can express your thoughts and concerns in words.

• Find a supportive friend or two who will listen to you and help you find or maintain your calm.

Stress is part of life and the survey shows it is an ever-increasing part of a student's life. Too much stress, however, can become overwhelming, debilitating and counter-productive.

A way to prevent stress from managing your life is to adopt the techniques that help you manage stress.

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