Mid-Missouri pastor's latest book offers hopeful message

CALIFORNIA, Mo. -- "Donkeys, Dinosaurs and DoDo birds will all be there; even the lion, snake and the cute little hare. No disease, no war, no death, no decay and no meth; no war, no hatred, no aging, no fighting, no death!"

That's the pitch on the back cover of "Pets in Paradise," the latest book written by the Rev. Peter Kurowski, who has been pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church for nearly 22 years.

The 121-page book, published by Dog Ear Publishing, makes nearly a dozen written by the local pastor, who also is a newspaper columnist for the California Democrat.

"The book is designed to show that not only will there be animals in heaven, but one has good reason for good hope of seeing their pet," Kurowski said.

The key is Jesus Christ, whose death and resurrection restored a broken planet, he said.

"This is not some theological placebo, but a revelation that runs throughout the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation," Kurowski said. "The Bible is consistent, congruent and coherent on this matter."

The common teaching has been that animals would not be in heaven, because they did not have souls.

"This is not quite right," he said.

"Pets in Paradise" is designed to comfort animal lovers by enlisting Gospel elements of restoration, regeneration and redemption.

"It also wishes to show how good science and sound Scripture are also in step," he said.

The fictionalized story features a pastor and young student debating what may be in the "new heaven and new earth."

Kurowski explores the topic with a variety of perspectives, including Christology, cosmology and eschatology. "Pets in Paradise" argues from scripture the hope of animals in heaven, as God's goodness is manifested in an all-sufficient savior, he said.

"When Jesus Christ came into the world born of the Virgin Mary, he came into the world not only to bring peace on earth but to restore our Humpty-Dumpty planet," he said.

Kurowski studied theological paradoxes for his doctorate.

He has been a guest chaplain to U.S. House of Congress, a student at Air Force War College and a guest lecturer.

"The whole theological train carrying the Biblical load of animals in heaven and pets in paradise is easy to miss but hard to dismiss once one examines closely the careful construction of this theme," Kurowski said. "The coherence of this revelation should be striking, inviting and enlightening."

Previously, Kurowski has written two books on racism: "The Cure For Racism: Two Trees" and "Seduction of Extremes-what are the extremes and how to avoid them and to avoid TDD-tension deficit disorder."

His other books include: "The Everlasting Angel - Historical Novel of Jesus in Genesis;" "The Real Magic - Historical Novel on Jesus in Exodus;" "Lifelines of Love," a book on marriage; "Angel of Angels" and "Paradoxes of the Bible."



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