Your Opinion: Abortion protest deserves attention

Dear Editor:

Disappointing that your voluminous Sunday edition of Aug. 23 did not find space to mention the protest at Planned Parenthood [PP, their logo] in Columbia - part of a nationwide effort at more than 300 U.S. cities.

The regional director of the Columbia PP denounced the recent videos of their activities in harvesting intact babies for sale was greatly edited. Truth: the full videos [including an aborted baby with a beating heart - hearts beat as early as 12 weeks] are available online. Many government spokespersons and politicians have defended the PP's horrific activities.

Recently a black Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives commented that the videos are not a question of right and left but right and wrong.

Physiologically, human wombs are designed to nurture human life, not to destroy it and make money thereby. Wombs should not be torture tombs or shopping carts for human parts!

Question: Should such news not be worthy of local coverage by the press, also known as "schoolman of the people," according to by Walter Williams, founder of the University of Missouri School of Journalism?

PS to Dewey Thompson [Opinion, Aug. 23 issue]: I did not say or even suggest that PP is "the root problem" of the abortion issue. However, it is a money-making, government-supported business that preys especially on blacks. As Dr. Ben Carson recently pointed out many of its nationwide facilities are in black neighborhoods. Columbia matches that statement.

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