Your Opinion: "Man will lose sight of the truth'

Dear Editor:

The human race has a gift for thought, reasoning of understanding, a highly developed brain that it ceases to develop and struggles for petty comforts. Man is never prepared for the unforeseen. Soon there will not be time for reasoning and man will lose sight of the truth.

There is little doubt that public opinion is the most powerful of all social controls in our modern world. An effective and progressive democracy depends on an enlightened public opinion. Whenever a government or a private group feels endangered by free expression it may turn to censorship to protect its basic beliefs.

Don't you know that the whole aim of Common Core is to narrow the range of thought by using George Orwell's "1984" concept of abolishing the ideology of the past to control the future by keeping people under control and dependent on the system in order to change a human being by removing the symbols of our past is to attempt to not only revise history but even worse to erase history.

Sensory deprivation is responsible for the rise in terrorism from the former and present day Communist and Islamic countries or regimes. Such problems include limiting freedom of religion by the removal of the Ten Commandments from court house lawns, censoring the literary works by Mark Twain and removing the Confederate flag and symbols from state property.

We recognize that morality differs in every society and is a convenient term for socially approved habits. The dictionary defines morality as "distinguishing between right and wrong."

We think abortion is murder and they think it is a sensible technique for rational family planning and population control Others recommend abortion when there is danger that the child will be born with a serious mental or physical defect. There is a flip side to murder or euthanasia. People don't like seeing mass killing and want a kind and caring government. Nazis in the 1930s did execute the Final Solution to kill retarded people in secluded areas.

The Planned Parenthood controversy concerning a shocking video with a Planned Parenthood CEO conspiring during a working lunch to sell human body parts from abortions for profit. It rests on party lines with Republicans threatening to cut funding to Planned Parenthood and Democrats arguing that it would interfere with a woman's right to get an abortion. The Fuehrer would have been proud.

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