Our Opinion: Sober Driver is just the ticket

News Tribune editorial

A practical sign of the holiday season is the timely reminder that the Sober Driver Program is available.

The Jefferson City Police Department and Fechtel Beverage continue to sponsor the community-based safety and prevention program. Sober Driver provides free taxi rides to people who have exceeded the legal limit to drive or to passengers who choose not to ride with an impaired driver.

The free taxi rides can be arranged from drinking establishments or, in advance, by hosts of private parties.

From drinking establishments, a customer or employee may call 636-7102 and a Checker Cab will be dispatched. A Sober Driver ticket is provided by the business to the patron, who presents it to the cab driver.

Hosts of private parties may acquire Sober Driver tickets, in advance, by calling Police Sgt. Doug Ruediger, 634-6397, or Fechtel Beverage, 636-5161. Those tickets will designate they may be used only within the time frame of the party.

Sober Driver tickets are valued at $10 and any costs exceeding that amount are the rider's responsibility.

In addition, the cab drivers will transport Sober Driver passengers only to their home or a hotel. They will not stop at any party or business that sells alcohol.

Since it began, the program has provided more than 10,000 rides.

Although no record exists of what doesn't happen, some measure of mayhem was averted by the thousands of drunks who didn't drive or passengers who didn't risk life and limb by riding with them.

The holidays are times when family, friends, co-workers and others visit, gather and renew old acquaintances. Sometimes the spirit of those celebrations involves spirits.

None of that is a problem unless and until it leads to irresponsible and illegal behavior, including driving while intoxicated.

It isn't necessary. A safe, no-cost alternative is readily available.

If you're not a sober driver or don't want to ride with one, Sober Driver is your ticket.

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