Your Opinion: Government tricks squelch opposition

Dear Editor:

This letter is in reference to the AP article published Nov. 14 in the News Tribune "Trooper ambush suspect charged with terrorism."

Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army Major and psychiatrist, killed 13 people, wounded 30 others and, after almost four years, was finally charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder. Following are quotes from website : "The United States Department of Defense and federal law enforcement agencies have classified the shootings as an act of workplace violence." Days after the shooting, reports in the media revealed that a Joint Terrorism Task Force had been aware of a series of e-mails between Hasan and the Yemen-based imam Anwar al-Awlaki , who had been monitored by the NSA as a security threat, and that Hasan's colleagues had been aware of his increasing radicalization for several years."

Eric Frein committed murder thinking the act "can get us back the liberties we once had" as quoted in a letter to his mom and dad.

I am in no way condoning the despicable actions of Eric Frein. I can't help but wonder however, how any patriotic American can logically call Frein's premeditated murder terrorism and Hasan's murder of 13 people workplace violence?

I think I know. This country, at least right now, can't be defeated by force. But from a tyrannical government's perspective, it's greatest fear of overthrow is revolution from the ranks not from minor acts of violence. Therefore, to protect continuing dominance and control of the citizenry, it is an absolute necessity to demonize to the max any action(s) that could be publicly perceived as a threat to their control.

There are other tricks also being used to try to squelch any opposition to the regime. The IRS targeting Tea Party groups. Trying to manipulating voting results by opposing issuance of voter ID's. Giving illegal aliens amnesty and then buying their votes by giving them access to social programs.

Don't worry fellow citizens, our ace-in-the-hole is still our constitutional right to vote and the last election sent the perfect message of a citizen revolution and the outcome was great! And remember, get out and vote in 2016! By all means, don't let the liberal leftist mainstream media pick our next president again! God help us if we do!

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