Your Opinion: EPA rules aim to protect, not punish

Dear editor:

I want to educate the public that has been scared or rankled about proposed new environmental regulations: Environmental regulations are rules and/or laws that make you be a good neighbor. The big, bad-ole EPA isn't going to regulate any raindrop that falls on your property. They're proposing to regulate what comes off your property on to your neighbors or the public.

We've got it pretty good in Missouri; our Water Quality Standards already include run-off and groundwater. That big, nasty EPA hasn't made a grab for groundwater yet - we weren't going to sit and wait for them to get around to it.

To re-cap; since some folk in the past wouldn't be good neighbors, and some folk in the present don't want to be, we have environmental laws and rules that make sure they don't go fouling your wells or polluting your land. The only source you'll ever hear citing "job killing environmental regulations" is a person or business (or politician) that doesn't want to be a good neighbor. They think run-off from their property, be it toxic chemicals, excessive nutrients, or oozing mud, should be your problem.

Personally, in instances like that I'd rather have Uncle Sam (or our state) front the legal fees, rather than myself.


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