Your Opinion: CBD oil triggers distrust

Dear Editor:

In reference to the news articles on page one by Olivia Ingle titled "Hemp oil successes tempered by some risks" and on page three by Bob Watson titled "The "politics' of passing the CBD oil bill" of the May 5 News Tribune, I was struck by the tone of both being supportive of allowing cannabidiol (CBD) oil as treatment for children.

I'm totally in support of any medication that will help any medical condition, however I must have missed how and by whom this drug would be controlled. I didn't see any mention of the FDA controls on the research, testing, marketing or manufacturing of the drug nor a requirement that it be only obtained by prescription from a licensed pharmacy.

It's only by my cynical nature and recent distrust of politicians and their motives that I'm wondering if this is just another back door way of putting a pretty face on a bad thing for political advantage and vote getting and/or raising taxes.

I think we all need to apologize to Willie Nelson for all the grief he's had to put up with for all these years!

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