Your Opinion: Double standard on tolerance

Dear Editor:

As a result of the decision of the Arizona governor to veto the religious rights bill, what will we Christians do now? Two cases come to mind that required Christians to put their closely held religious beliefs in obeisance. One was a photographer that did not want to take photographs of a homosexual wedding and the other was a cake decorator that refused to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding. Both were sued, and lost their cases in court. This law would have protected the citizens of Arizona from civil damages when they refused to do business with individuals, which would contradict their closely held religious beliefs.

What will be next on the agenda of those individuals that opposed this law? Will doctors, nurses, and hospitals that refuse to perform abortions now be required to perform those deadly (for the unborn child) operations? That is exactly what the opponents were saying about this law. It is one thing to hold these beliefs, but you must not allow those beliefs to enter the work place.

Most doctors and hospitals get some sort of government funding, so they will be pressured into performing these operations or lose that funding. What in the world is our nation coming to; from our founding on the Judeo-Christian ethic to where we kill innocent children for convenience? Our viewpoints have gotten far from the viewpoints of our founding fathers.

Think about it, an individual can, under the claim of free speech, have a magazine with nude men and women in provocative poses, but we Christians dare not voice our closely held religious beliefs outside our homes or churches. Did you know that in Canada, a pastor or anyone else cannot preach against homosexuality, publicly? It is a crime. Is that where the left's definition of tolerance is taking us?

The perverts can say or do anything they wish and we must be "tolerant," but the same "tolerance" is not afforded us. Go figure!

I trust that the lawmakers here in Missouri take this in account when they consider a similar law for us. Even if it passes our Legislature our Democrat governor would veto it, because that's what Democrats do.

I know this because I look at the track record of Democrats and many Republicans, also. In order to get along they go along.

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