Your Opinion: Early voting favors incumbents

Dear Editor:

Why early voting? Answer: To help guarantee incumbent politicians win and challengers lose.

I call your attention to a statement in a June 19 article by Tony Lee "26 percent of voters changed from Cantor to Brat in the final two weeks." The article in which this statement appears can be see on website .

My point in referencing this statement "26 percent of voters changed from Cantor to Brat in the final two weeks " is for the purpose of proving that voters do not, for the most part, get interested in candidates until just before an election to determine their choice. My other point is that Eric Cantor spent $1 million in the seven weeks between April 1 and May 21 before the campaign while Dave Brat spent $123,000 in the 20 weeks since January! Unless that 26 percent had switched in the last two weeks, do you seriously believe Dave Brat would have won? It all had to do with the concentration of limited money the last two weeks of the campaign by the challenger because he didn't have a million dollars to campaign on for months.

This is exactly why Washington, D.C., is the way it is now, a great big social club of millionaire politicians who have got it figured out how to set up and maintain a system for lifetime jobs first and then worry about the intent of the Constitution, our laws and their responsibilities for which they were elected as a second priority. It does one's heart good to see a people's man win vs. a good ole boy establishment incumbent. I just hope the trend continues so we can clean house in Washington, D.C.

It once was that gerrymandering, the process of changing the boundaries of election districts to gain election advantage, was the primary way politicians could guarantee incumbency. Now with the popularity of early voting being marketed to us on the basis of convenience, it only contributes to many of the politician's primary goal of a lifetime job.

Another point. The Fair Tax will probably never be implemented to eliminate the IRS and lobbyists. To do so would make it more difficult for incumbents to stay in office without being able to manipulate the tax code to keep the money flowing to their campaign chests from the lobbyists and special interests, ergo protection of their lifetime jobs.

The solution. Disallow early voting and implement the Fair Tax and give the power back to the people!

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