Your Opinion: Republicans run roughshod

Dear Editor:

Within 24 hours after the 2014 Missouri legislative session ended I have to wonder how many Republican legislators sprained their arms patting themselves on their backs.

They bragged about all they had done for Missourians.

All they did do was to give Ole Rex Sinquefield exactly what he wanted.

He owns the Republican Party in Missouri. What he didn't get done this session he sure will get done next year.

That has already been said by the Republican big wheels. Rex got his tax cut, the suppression of public schools funding and a piddly little tax cut of just $34 to the rest of us while he got his huge tax cut of thousands or maybe millions. What a sad state of affairs.

But one thing you don't hear mentioned is that 300,000 military veterans and other poor and underprivileged still don't have health insurance because of their hatred for the president and the ACA hospitals in Missouri and are still suffering because they have to provide emergency room care just the same regardless of their ability to pay the bill.

Millions of Missouri tax dollars are going to other states instead. And two billion was refused because of their hatred for President Obama and the ACA.

The Republicans are using their extreme majority to run roughshod over this state and cram anything and everything down our throats just like I predicted last year. Just wait until next year.

And if the next governor should be a Republican then you ain't seen nothing yet.

In November we get a chance to vote on a tax increase for roads. Once again the poor and elderly will get hit the hardest, many of which don't even own a car. Why should they have to pay when it is a well-known fact that the trucking industry does most of the damage to roads.

Most of the loaded trucks on the roads today outweigh these cars by 20 or more times but the trucking industry has many more dollars to stuff in the legislators pockets, don't they?

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