Your Opinion: Israel deserves support of U.S.

Dear Editor:

In 1948 President Harry S. Truman (whose hand I shook) said, "All Jews have a right to live in peace and a place to call home."

The State of Israel was created 66 years ago and for all of these 66 years it has been threatened by its many Muslim neighbors. All Israel ever wanted was to live in peace. Not once did Israel ever start a war.

Hamas, the terrorist organization, has been firing rockets into Israel week after week, month after month. Women and children have to take cover in bomb shelters. Hamas could care less where these rockets land or for civilians on either side. Enough is enough. Israel rightfully went into Gaza to destroy Hamas, their weapons and their tunnels. Israel has no intention of targeting women and children. The Hamas charter states, "We will never stop firing on the Jews until they are all humiliated and dead."

It appears as though the liberal Democrats in the House and Senate along with many Muslims in our country, including our King Obama, agree with Hamas.

What if Canada were to fire rockets into Washington, D.C., or any U.S. city every day? What would our king do? As a veteran who has served his country I will never agree with those liberals who don't understand that every country, especially ones who are threatened as much as Israel, has a right to defend itself. Are they deaf and blind? Can't they see what is happening in this country and the world. Never in my 81 years of life have I seen so much hatred towards our great country we call America.

It was a great country until the people elected the king. God Bless America.

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