Your Opinion: Understanding needed, not blame

Dear Editor:

I read with interest the letter of Mark Pavely of April 4. To me, it appears that some people who are on the minority side of an issue try to find someone to blame. For Pavely it is "godless liberals."

He overlooks the fact that many liberals are as religious as he is and have as strong a belief in God as he does. On the issue of same sex marriage it is not just liberals that are bringing about changes in our society. Please accept the fact that it is liberals, conservatives middle of the roaders, young and old people, women and men, religious and non-religious people who are causing this change to take place.

Now days, where it is being put to a vote it is also a majority of the voters. The legal status of this issue is separate from the moral issue and ever judge who has decided the legal issue has decided it the same way, regardless of their personal political or religious philosophy.

I respect Pavely's personal religious beliefs but he really needs to get a better understanding of why this change is taking place and stop trying to place blame on scapegoats.

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