Your Opinion: Lawmaker urged to resign

Dear Editor:

Controversial issues seem to be throughout the news media on a daily basis and it seemingly appears to be increasing with no end in sight.

The latest story concerns Jeremy LaFaver, a Kansas City lawmaker who was picked up by the Highway Patrol and charged with neither having insurance nor an up-to-date license tag. His overbearing attitude appears to be a quality not needed in the legislative House and the membership would be well-served to rid itself of this bad lemon.

There should be no ands, ifs, or buts about this matter, but that he should resign of his own free will. What possible reason can he give for not resigning from the legislative body? It is unbelievable that a pubic servant in this position can get away with such unethical behavior and still think he can serve in the public interest?

He is setting a very poor example for not only the young people but for those serving in the House chambers.

And, honestly, the picture in the paper gives him the appearance like he's been in euphoria. It figures that he has connections with the ACLU.

LaFaver's co-sponsoring, unsuccessfully by the way, a bill to legalize the using of marijuana speaks volumes of this man's character.

His actions should not be condoned by any American.

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