Your Opinion: School start times and postal problems

Dear Editor:

The statement appearing in an earlier edition of the local paper from Education Secretary Arne Duncan mentioned that perhaps school could start later for students making it possible for them to be more rested and more alert if arising later for their classes. This is a case of another expert not listing any reasoning behind his/her remarks.

It stands to reason for this contributor to the newspaper to state the possible facts behind this assumption of students not being alert in class and for parents wanting classes to start later in the morning hours.

Teachers, too, for that matter. (Too much late partying and too early to rise and shine on school days; Parents allowing their kids to stay up late the night before class to watch crime shows on television as well as other shows not suitable for them to be glued to the television screen to watch; maybe the mother herself is shirking her duties and not wanting to arise earlier to fix breakfast but desiring to sleep later herself.)

This writer is sure there are other reasons not mentioned above. What in the world are today's mothers thinking?

The second topic I wish to address is the matter of the post office situation. One or maybe two years ago when this matter surfaced, this writer wrote to the newspaper relating to the possibility of the Post Office taking the route of the Pony Express and why they should not do so.

Not long after this appeared they stated they might raise the price if liquor deliveries were made to the individual homeowners who desired such commodities delivered to their homes. And at that time I could just visualize this happening, postal carriers partaking of the hooch and being so consumed with being intoxicated they would be making deliveries to the wrong mailboxes or homes of the individuals ordering same.

And wouldn't this be a kit and caboodle?

Now this year they are at it again, actually taking action to increase the postage rate. They could certainly do so on the packages and items going to the businesses but leave the poor, and getting poorer, consumers alone. It is general knowledge that businesses will regroup their strategy with increases to the customers.

Will there be other outlandish ideas penetrating from those managing the postal system.

We await with bated anxiety.

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