Your Opinion: Frustrated with Obama, Reid

Dear Editor:

I am so frustrated with Harry Reid and President Obama refusing to budge at all and then get on TV and say the exact opposite of what is true. The House sent over four funding bills that the Senate just brushed away. If they had passed a budget in the past five years, we wouldn't have to have operate under continuing resolutions.

The majority of Americans don't want Obamacare forced on them and the unions even realize how much this will hurt employers and employees alike. The Congress has exempted themselves, yet say it is what is good for us.

They passed this in the middle of the night by twisting arms and no one even had time to read it (which I'm sad to say that probably happens more than I care to think about). It was brought to the floor and passed within a matter of minutes.

Our Founding Fathers did not give us a republic so that the government can force us to buy something we don't want to buy. It's time for the silent majority to be silent no more.

Please do something to let your Congress know where you stand and what you want and who you will be voting for next time.

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