Your Opinion: RACS poised to assist victims of domestic violence

Dear Editor:

Many community members are saddened to learn of the death last weekend of Amanda Glisson. The night before her death her husband, Albert Glisson, admitted hitting her numerous times. Was this occurrence the cause of her death?

As the investigation is ongoing it has not been revealed how much before Amanda's death these injuries may have occurred and if there is a direct connection between the assault and her death. The investigation needs to continue in order to determine if the beatings were a contributing factor so that further charges can be brought against Albert Glisson.

For many women, abuse frequently escalates during a relationship and they are too afraid to take their children and leave. The Glisson's children, who were home that evening, stated the abuse has happened several times in the past. Children witnessing abuse in the home are frightened to tell others fearing they will be in trouble, make things worse for their mother and possibly experience the same abuse themselves.

Family members and friends should always watch for signs of abuse. These signs include the abuser keeping the victim isolated from their family and friends, calling their partner names, putting them down, attempting to control what their partner wears, what she does and who she sees.

According to neighbors, Albert Glisson would not allow the children or Amanda to talk or play with the other neighbors and there was frequent yelling that could be heard at a distance on many occasions.

The services provided by the Rape & Abuse Crisis Service include shelter, counseling, court and hospital advocacy, 24-hour hotline, prevention education, support groups and children's programs. All services are free and confidential. We encourage everyone to provide our hotline number (800-303-0013) to a friend or family member you know or suspect is experiencing abuse. After victims speak with one of our advocates and learn of our services many decide to make an appointment with one of our counselors or to leave their abusive situation and come into the shelter.

We are always saddened to hear about the injury or death of a victim of domestic violence. Our staff is very sad about Amanda's death but motivated by it to keep reaching out to other victims to help before the abuse takes a deadly turn.

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