Your Opinion: Reject irresponsible Medicaid expansion

Dear Editor:

Monday's front page "Analysis of the governor's support of the federal increase to the Medicaid plan" hit the nail on the head.

It presented the bureaucratic takers point-of-view by Linda Luebbering, "It's a lovely time to experiment. That's because the federal government at least initially would be footing the full bill for the higher reimbursement rates." Who do you think funds the federal government? Experiment with your personal dollars.

On the other hand, Sen./doctor Rob Schaaf stated the obvious. "While that's (the proposed Medicaid increase) a good thing from the point of view of the providers, it may not be good for the taxpayers who are to suddenly increase a welfare program."

Good for you and hopefully the rest of the conservative state legislature. Reps. Bernskoetter, Barnes and Sen. Kehoe, I hope your opinions are similar and not allow Medicaid increases advance to law.

I am tired of the continued incremental over step of all government levels towards social equity at the expense to the responsible, freedom-loving citizens.

Others have stated my concerns more elaborately but it is far past time for taxpayers to stand up to the irresponsible expansion of government.

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