Your Opinion: Government perpetuates worthless programs

Dear Editor:

When will liberals/progressives get the message that the majority of the financial problems in our nation are caused by government. The higher up the government food chain you go, the less accountability you will find.

Obama now wants to further indebt all future generations so that he can provide even more babysitting for pre-school children. He tells us that for every $1 invested we will get back a $7 return. He points to the success of a couple of small preschool programs in Georgia and Oklahoma to justify this claim. By the way, the author of a study on those programs states, "We just haven't seen the same types of gains for all kids when programs become available more broadly."

What we will get is another program similar to Head Start. In the "60s we were told that Head Start showed positive results in small pilot programs. Obama is currently borrowing $8 billion a year to fund the program. Since 1965 the programs have cost taxpayers $180 billion. Actually, Head Start is not totally worthless. It does provide a bunch of patronage jobs for Democratic voters.

In 2000, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), awarded a contract to study effectiveness of the Head Start program. Data collection for the study was completed in 2006. A draft of the study was completed in 2008. After years of trying to figure out a way to spin the data the feds finally gave up and published the results of the study in 2010. The study found that children's attendance in Head Start has no demonstrable impact on their academic, socio-emotional, or health status at the end of first grade.

How refreshing it would be to hear the president talk about ways to discourage the behavior that results in the children that he wants the rest of us to support, rather than more funding for programs that don't work.

 How can anyone wonder why the federal government can't balance a budget.

It doesn't need more of our money, it needs to get rid of politically correct programs that are worthless.

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