Your Opinion: Newspaper accused of biased coverage

Dear Editor:

You can sure tell where we live. When major newspapers around the nation are covering the horrible comments made by Romney in Boca Raton our local paper doesn't even give this horrific story a place on the front page. The Romney charade broke Sept. 17 and it has yet to find its way to the News Tribune. But I did notice that online a story was listed that talked about political "gaffs" and showed President Obama with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. That is the way the News Tribune has chosen to cover what is a major current events story. How typical.

This is exactly the kind of stuff that makes me want to stop my subscription of this paper. Not only is it partisan, it is blatantly so. It is understandable that many letters that come to you, Mr. Editor that favor the Republican point of view as that is the party that is heavily represented in this district, but there ought to at least be the appearance of impartiality.

No politician that has ever run for office has been gaff free but there are gaffs and there are moments of clarity. The comments of Romney made about the poor in this country show just how out of touch he is with America and his arrogance for those who are not of his income bracket. There are Romney's kind of people and then there are the rest of us. And we keep hearing about how Democrats are playing class warfare? Please. Romney shows his disdain for approximately half of our country. His comments about the 47 percent of Americans that are just itching for handouts are disgusting.

Romney opened his mouth again and put his foot squarely in by including those seniors that are retired, folks that work minimum wage jobs that don't even make enough money to pay income taxes, working students and more.

He is not worthy of your vote.

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