Your Opinion: Farm Bureau correctly reaffirms endorsement

Dear Editor:

I want to thank the Farm Bureau for reaffirming their endorsement of Todd Akin in his bid for U.S. senator.

After much to do about his poor choice of words in the interview that was taken as a "gotcha", rather than considering the intent of his heart and his quick apology and request for forgiveness, I am thankful for Farm Bureau's decision.

With the knee-jerk reaction more so by the establishment Republicans than the covert McCaskill campaign, it became more apparent in days following that there was an unfulfilled expectation on the Republican side that someone else was "supposed" to have won the nomination.

I agree with Gov. Mike Huckabee that the arrogance shown by the Washington, D.C., Republican bosses and some of our own Missouri establishment Republicans may come back to them in the form of humble pie.

Missouri voters made their decision in the primary and they will be the ones to make the decision in the general election. It is a dangerous thing to allow the party leaders to decide who should stay or go if there has been no illegal or immoral behavior to warrant it.

Todd Akin has a proven conservative voting record and has the courage and integrity to stand up for the God-given rights and freedoms of all.

He has chosen to take the meaning of our Constitution and the Republican platform literally.

God calls all those in positions of leadership and authority to serve with justice and righteousness. What a great nation we would have if we all took God's Word literally.

I say well done Mr. Akin and God bless you and your family.

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