Your Opinion: Stealth ceremony celebrates bigotry

Dear Editor:

What a proud day for Missouri. Celebrating hate-speech, racism, bigotry, misogyny and blatant lies in a closed to the public, partisan (our conservative, "family values" party) stealth ceremony with Highway Patrol guarding the doors to a building that formerly was considered to belong to the tax-paying public.

A quote from Mark Twain's autobiography comes to mind: "To lodge all power in one party and keep it there is to insure bad government and gradual deterioration of the public morals." There is something very putrid in The House.

During the ceremony, Speaker Tilley praised Limbaugh as the "voice of conservative America for more than a decade." And, according to Business Today, Republican Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder said that he considers Limbaugh to be among the "pantheon of Republican heroes" alongside President Reagan.

Wow! The media and Missourians were not welcome at such an historic and important event?

Gotta love those Christian, conservative "family values." After all, what mother does not ardently hope and fervently wish that "someday" her sons might grow up to be men just like Limbaugh (or Tilley et al) How it grieves me that I failed in that regard.

Since Mr. Kinder thinks Mr. Limbaugh belongs in a "pantheon of heroes" may I suggest that Rush be included in the Apotheosis of George Washington, the famous mural in our U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. I'm sure we can count on Mr. Tilley's support.

While others served their country, our hero, used his pilonidal cyst, considered by some a lightweight excuse to avoid the draft ... But, one can only imagine his dripping sarcasm, glee (and endless hours of entertainment) at the expense of a despised political foe (or "Susan" Fluke!) with a similar cyst on their derriere !

Although excessive sitting is known to worsen this medical condition, our hero soldiers on for his country spending three hours most days sitting on his pilonidal cyst, instructing us all in what true patriotic, conservative, Christian, family values look like. Go Rush Go.

By the way, Rush, her name is Sandra not "Susan." If you are going to call a woman a slut, if nothing else, get the fact straight as to her name.

Also, your original story, berated the current administration, for opposition to the war lord Jospeh Kony was also totally inaccurate. But never mind the facts.

In this age of unreason, facts, science or civil discourse don't matter anyway.

You're still our voice for those good old true conservative, patriotic, family and Christian values.

God Bless America.

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